Purchase upgrades which give you temporary boosts or permanent DPC (Donuts per Click) upgrades
Doubles the donuts that you bake when you click the donut once.
Multiplies your donut production by 7 for 77 seconds.
Spawns in an autoclicker to click for you 10 times per second for 60 seconds.
Frenzy, but smaller! Multiplies your donut production by 7 for 7 seconds. Can't be stacked with Frenzy Time.
This might be a bit broken... Multiplies your DPC by 333 for 15 seconds.
Purchase buildings which will increase your DPS (Donuts per Second).
A cursor, which automatically clicks for you once per 5 seconds. (0.2 DPS)
Fresh baked donuts, a taste nobody could possibly hate. (5 DPS)
Bakes donuts at a faster rate! (32 DPS)
Make donuts in bulk with an automated factory. (400 DPS)
Ships daily from the world of donuts. (8,000 DPS)
Brings donuts from the past before they're eaten. (66,666 DPS)
Using brand new technology, creates donuts from nothing... (1.000M DPS)
Why get donuts shipped from the donut world when you can buy the world yourself? (25.000M DPS)
It can rip apart space and time to bring you... more donuts. (2.700B DPS)
Born from the very code this game was created from. (140.000B DPS)
When you're ready...
This action will delete all your powerups, buildings, and donuts. You will be able to select a skill in the skill tree that you can keep for your next life.