Remember to answer in powers of 10! (5×105 → 6)
5-Point Answers
3-Point Answers
1-Point Answers
TPQ (s)
Remember to answer in powers of 10! (5×105 → 6)
For now, there are only units of length in one dimension. I plan to add more unit practice in the future!
Want to submit your very own Fermi Questions for use in Practice?
Enter your question here! You do not need to put the answer; that gives me more practice to figure it out myself! If the question is understandable, I will add it to the pool!
Thanks for submitting feedback!
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I'm trying to make the best site for Fermi practice; feedback is appreciated!
Thanks for submitting feedback!
What is Fermi Questions?
Fermi Questions is a SciOly event all about estimations. The event's main focus is answering seemingly impossible questions. (ex: how many rice grains could fit on a football field?) Often, there is not much data and students must make assumptions. Since Fermi Questions works with small and large numbers, answers are submitted in rounded orders of magnitude, or powers of 10. For example, to say that Earth weighs 6 * 10^24 kg, you would submit 25 as your answer, making sure to round up since you have a 6.
Discord: fermiquestions
Note: this changes every so often. If whatever is posted here doesn't work, try eddyzow
(6/30/23) v1.2.0
- Report Previous Question function added
- TPQ (Time Per Question) metric added to statistics
- Although only with length units, finally implemented the Unit Practice section to the website
(5/27/23) v1.1.0
- Over 1,000 new questions added!!!! Sourced from SLHS Fermi Website Tool. Thanks @ec
(5/20/23) v1.0.3
- 20 new questions added, sourced from UGA 2023
(3/3/23) v1.0.2
- Fixed some errors in the question bank
- Over 70 new questions have been added! Sourced from public tests newly available from past competitions.
(2/22/23) v1.0.1
- Fixed some errors in the question bank
- Added a Question ID feature and a "Report Question" button
- Added Changelog
(2/21/23) v1.0.0
- Practice mode is out with ~340 questions, sourced from various tests and the open-source Fermi Questions website by Eric Andrechek
- Added Submit page for feedback, and About page